Thursday, 7 August 2014

Lush haul, featuring some favourites

I love Lush. Years ago I used to make sure that I had a regular stock of their bath bombs and bubble bars; nowadays, I splash out every now and again. The other day was a day for doing just that.

So what did I buy?

Roots Hair Treatment: 
A pre-shampoo product that makes the scalp and hair conditioned and energised. It contains mint oils, amongst other ingredients, to stimulate the hair follicles. I've used this before, so I knew I would get on with it. Having fine, thin hair, I find this a really nice treatment to use once a week.

Blackberry bath bomb:
I bought my mum one of these recently and fell back in love with the sweet scent!

Yuzu and Cocoa bubble bar:
I'd never tried this before and the word 'cocoa' appealed to me as a chocolate-lover. It is a macaroon shaped bubble bar that would last you at least two baths (more if you're stingy!). Bubble bars are amazing: just crumble under the tap and you are blessed with a bath full of bubbles and beautiful scents that fill the room.

Dreamwash shower smoothie:
I mentioned this in a previous post. I love the calming scent and as I just used up a tub, I was really missing it!

Figs and Leaves soap: 
This is one of my favourites from Lush. The scent is clean, sweet and it has fig seeds to mildly exfoliate. 

What is your favourite Lush product?


  1. Thank you Emily. I had a read of your blog and look forward to reading more in the future. I absolutely love the way you've designed it x

  2. Blackberry bath bomb is super yummy! I love all of there bath bombs!
    xprincessjas | ♥

  3. I know, it's gorgeous! I can't wait to use it! x

  4. There's nothing better than a Lush haul. I just love that shop and can't wait for autumn so I can enjoy bath again! The Blackberry Bath Bomb sounds amazing! x

    Beauty with charm

    1. The only problem is that you want to buy nearly everything in sight! You should definitely pick up the Blackberry bath bomb next time you go past Lush! x

  5. Yay! Awesome haul! I love the fact that LUSH do some really unusual products and the Roots hair treatment looks like nothing I've ever seen before! I actually recently bought my first ever LUSH bath bomb (Space Girl) which I'm so excited to try :) xx

    The Miss Beauty Saver Blog

  6. Thank you! Did you see my 'Space Girl' inspired cupcakes post? I had fun with that! x

  7. I love lush so much!! Great mix of products :) I really want to try the blackberry bath bomb.
    - C
    Claudine Converses

  8. You should definitely pick it up sometime. It's so relaxing and smells beautiful. x
