Saturday, 31 October 2020

October: A Roundup

I write as we await news of the new Lockdown which was leaked to the press yesterday. This was on the horizon, but those feelings of unease and claustraphobia--like last time-- are rather nauseating. The bleak weather this month and the huge workload have been tough. It appears that it'll be tougher still in November with schools still being open and us having to cater for students at home and at school in front of us. It must be done, but there are no additional hours in the day to get the job done.

Taking photos has been tough to fit in around work in October. I used some photos from my folder of photos from across the last few years, including some from Corfe Castle and when it snowed in 2018. 

The dark evenings have started to close in and it has felt dismal. Without the gym, some of us are going to struggle mentally. Today I went for a walk and took lots of photos for the first time in ages. The sun came out which was a nice break from the rain and it was good to get some respite.

We're all living day to day at the moment. That's all that can be done.

A Photo a Day 2020 #305

My favourite building in Fareham, reflected.

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

A Photo a Day 2020 #301

It's interesting to note how every month seems to have its own unique character and mood. As I've previously stated and as is evident through the lack of commentary with most photos I post recently, I am not enjoying this project at the moment.

This month is categorised by night time shots and the absence of people. It speaks to my mood-- the world's mood at a time when the future seems estranged from us all. I'm working 'hand to mouth' when it comes to photos this month and I've pretty much run out of back up shots from my folder of photos taken over the last few years...

Saturday, 17 October 2020

A Photo a Day 2020 #291

I've photographed this roundabout before. I like it a lot. I never thought I'd be someone who has any particular feeling about a infrastructural features, but as roundabouts go, it's a good one.

I think I've fudged up the numbers on these posts because there are surely more than 65 days left of 2020. I wish there weren't, but there are, so I guess that's another job for me to add to the list.

Saturday, 10 October 2020

A Photo a Day 2020 #284

I'm in bed feeling rough today, so this is something I found from the Summer when life was slower and I could experiment with make-up and nails! What a joy! When you feel a bit low (as many of us did at times in lockdown), self care can go some way to boosting your mood. My nails never looked so great as over that period. Now they're stumpy and dull again as I'm back to the stressful day (and let's face it, evening and weekend) job. 

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

A Photo a Day 2020 #281

 Taken a few years ago now on a little shoot in Guildhall Square, Portsmouth-- a place close to my heart. I used to walk through this square daily when I was eighteen and it feels like a nostalgic spot for me in all sorts of ways.