Wednesday, 22 March 2017

A Photo a Day #81

Back to Funland for today's photo. I called it 'Loud' as a contrasting shot to yesterday's, but somehow they both link in terms of the artwork element. You have to love that yesteryear funfair imagery! Not sure if you'd get away with that if it was designed today!

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

A Photo a Day #80


Taken down a street in Chichester, as I took the picture, some others flocked to capture it to. This appears to be a Banksy-inspired piece, very skilfully done, perhaps a comment on capitalism?

Monday, 20 March 2017

A Photo a Day #79

Out of Season

This effect was applied in post production. The colours were also amped up a little (but not hugely). Hayling Island is a place I absolutely love to go for photography. The last time I was there I didn't have a proper camera, but posted about it here. It was great fun this weekend to re-visit armed with my Sony A5000 and to re-take some of the interesting shots I got last time on my camera phone.

Sunday, 19 March 2017

A Photo a Day #78

You may notice a theme if you have seen any of my other 'A Photo a Day' images: I have an interest in shop windows and in the reflections I can capture. There's perhaps a little bit of context here in the reflection or some food for thought, you could say. 

This was taken at Hayling Island's infamous, fabulously-horrendous seaside attraction, Funland. I blogged about it a long while ago now and it is such a throwback- I love it. See my original post here.

Saturday, 18 March 2017

A Photo a Day #77

Zoomed in, I captured a man feeding the crows and seagulls. It was like something out of a the Hitchcock film, The Birds.

Thursday, 16 March 2017

A Photo a Day #75

Man About Town
I took a similar photo of my brother in London a few years ago and I took opportunity to create this portrait on my recent trip when we went to see The Divine Comedy. I'm not sure what I think about the blurring. On one hand it suggests some movement as he strolls through the underpass; on the other it isn't as crisp as I would have liked. As it was an evening shot and also not posed, I had to work quickly. Unfortunately, I had to crop out someone walking past him to the right, so there isn't as much width as I would have liked. I do, however, like the range of tones in the image. 

Sunday, 12 March 2017

A Photo a Day #71

Ganton Street, February 2017

The electrical substation on Ganton Street (just off Carnaby Street in London) features this illumination as a permanent installation. It has been there since 2001 and they change the design of the plug socket every now and again. I captured it alight in the evening. 

A Cheery Blush for a Gloomy Sunday: Suratt Ponceau

This gorgeous bright poppy hued powder blush by Suratt looked a bit loud for my pale complexion until I tried it recently. I came across it in my 2016 Liberty advent calendar, but wasn't in love with the shade at first sight. Now I love it!

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Friday, 10 March 2017

A Photo a Day #69

A Shoot

An impromptu shot of a photoshoot in Soho. I wonder if anyone was taking a snap of me photographing the photographer.

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Thursday, 9 March 2017

Wednesday, 8 March 2017

A Photo a Day #67

A Fine Chap

I love ducks, but do find them challenging to photograph. The ducks where I visited my friend in Essex recently are very tame. I'm really pleased with the detail here!

Tuesday, 7 March 2017

A Photo a Day #66

The Art of Persistence
1/250     F11     ISO 800

The ugly, mundane and macabre are subjects I find a lot of beauty in. I really admire photographers (or indeed any artist or musician) who can tell a story through their work. This is what I wanted to achieve here.

This was taken (if I remember rightly) walking across Waterloo Bridge in London. The spikes clearly did not put off this graffiti artist and the humour of the pieces of clothing caught up in them was too much to resist! There's something both heroic and stupid about this scene.

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