Tuesday, 25 February 2020

A Photo a Day 2020 #56

I couldn't post this until I'd properly edited it and I was happy with the perspective as the original was at a bit of an angle. I'm getting back into using Photoshop again which is a learning process as I'm self-taught and I forgot a lot of what I learned a few years ago; Picmonkey is amazing and I use it for a lot of my editing, but it is a lazier approach and can be limiting at times. 

This cassette tape is actually one from my youth and it is one of about five tapes that I have recently reclaimed and listened to on the 'walkman' that I got for Christmas. There are some pretty embarrassing recordings amongst these tapes, including some very ropy guitar practice that I did aged about fifteen that seems to go on for ages. Also featuring on another tape is a French project a friend and I did at school, pretending we had been exploring the jungle. Among our reportage (en Francais, bien sur!) can be heard Sash's classic 'Equador' and some character acting in the role of Jean-Luc-- a fictional French camera man who was bitten by a spider and shouted "Ooh la la!" and 'Oh de don!' at regular intervals.

This was the format of my first foray into owning music back in the 90s. I then progressed to CDs, and now it's vinyl that I'm collecting. These cassette tapes weren't practical in the slightest. They got chewed up and worn out and twisted up and the batteries ran out in your tape player and then it played really slow like a depressing remix of the original song. But they are nostalgic and you could create your own mix tapes and radio shows with ease. In fact, these things were as much a rite of passage for 90s kids as getting a Snapchat account nowadays. But way cooler!

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