Tuesday, 30 June 2020

June: a Roundup

June is over and its been interesting. The world of quarantine has been relaxed in terms of some partial school openings, more shops opening and rules relaxed. But it feels like the world is made up of those who social distance and those who don't care less. Beaches have been packed as the sun has been out in full force and the solidarity of early lockdown is well and truly gone.

As pubs open on July 4th (but not gyms-- whaat?!!) I'm sure social media will be littered with images of the drunk and disorderly minority who are flouting rules. Call me pessimistic, but there you go.

Despite the political and social frustrations, nature has bloomed and the 'Shades of Pink' photography project theme has given opportunity to document this. It has been a difficult theme, but that's the point. I have no idea what the next theme will be, so watch this space for tomorrow's post!

In the interest of documenting this time, what's stood out is the need to reach out and keep in contact with family and friends. For those that are happy in their own company this can be overlooked, but it is important. Living in the moment and not the past or future has also become a lot easier and this (for many) is a blessing. There is no way to predict what will happen with this pandemic; it doesn't pay to be too optimistic or pessimistic when it comes to thinking about 'second peaks' or repercussions of ill-informed decision marking. For now, I am looking forward to a Summer holiday where I am free of responsibilities and can make some creative use of free time, even see some friends and family (at a distance of course).

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