Tuesday, 12 August 2014

'Space Girl' inspired vanilla cupcakes

Today the urge to bake came upon me once again and I decided to make some vanilla cupcakes. I used the Hummingbird Bakery recipe below:

These cupcakes are light and sweet; I added chocolate chips which I found sunk to the bottom due to the mixture being runnier in consistency than my usual fairy cake recipe. As these are 'Space Girl' cupcakes, maybe I should be making some clever remark about how the chocolate chips were meant to do that, but forget that, I'll be honest: I'm an experimental baker.

I also didn't plan for these to be 'Space Girl' themed, but when I saw the lilac shade I was getting by adding purple food colouring to the buttercream, it immediately reminded me of the Lush bathbomb. Then the swirling effect from the piping bag, the rainbow sprinkles and the coloured sugar crystals to decorate! Do you see what I mean?

To improve, if I was to make these again, I think I'd get some fancy cake decoration glitter and some space-themed cupcake cases. To make them more 'Space Girl' themed, I'd experiment with parma violet flavouring, or even crush some parma violet sweets and sprinkle them on top. I'd probably also leave the chocolate chips out as these are sweet enough on their own, plus having to gnaw at the paper casing like a chocolate-junkie isn't very ladylike! Either way, they taste out of this world!

Do you have any ideas for more cosmetics-inspired cakes?!

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