Thursday, 12 March 2015

Review: Le Teint Touche Eclat Foundation (Shade BR20)

The Yves Saint Laurent Touche Eclat Foundation receives a lot of attention from bloggers and beauty enthusiasts. It is a brightening, dewy foundation which follows the famous Touche Eclat illuminating pen highlighter which has been a cult favourite in the beauty industry for many years.

The foundation appealed to me because I have dry, often dull skin which is showing signs of age and stress! Bringing 'light' and radiance to my complexion is definitely something I look for and I wanted to see what this foundation could do for me. I chose the shade BR20, a pink toned pale shade. On application, it appears to be a good match, although in the winter months BR10 would probably match me a little better. Nevertheless, I don't regret my purchase of this shade, simply because I gain a tiny bit of colour in the Summer and the colour blends out very well to match me.

Shade BR20
The texture is light and similar to a serum; it glides across the skin and provides a sheer coverage. Saying that, as you will see in the photos below, it blurs pigmentation really well and imparts a lovely sheen to the skin. There is no sparkle or glitter, rather the foundation lives up to its claims of giving 'light' to the face. 

For my dry skin, this is a lovely texture which smooths over dry patches and makes lines look less prominent. I applied the foundation over a moisturiser with SPF. The wear of the foundation might be limited on oilier skin, but on me it has a decent lasting power. In fact, I would only need to re-powder if I was to wear it from the day into the evening. 

Overall, I like this foundation for the 'glow factor' and the way it blends into my skin. I will enjoy using it for many months to come, especially in the Summer when I hate heavy products on my face. Would I re-purchase this foundation? Time will tell. I still love the slightly heavier coverage of Nars Sheer Glow which has been a favourite of mine for years. I will be running out of that in a few months, so this will be my foundation of choice for the daytime for as long as it lasts.

In the photo below (right), I am wearing Touche Eclat Foundation with a little (Amazing Cosmetics) concealer under my eyes. I have powdered my T Zone with some loose powder. I have heightened the exposure of the photos by a tiny amount for quality purposes without any other re-touching. What do you think?
Before and after using Touche Eclat foundation

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