Sunday, 8 October 2017

A Photo a Day #282: Flashback Sunday

Shelley with Kittens

I scanned some old photographs from my collection. This photo was taken before I was born, probably around 1982-1983. The cat in the photo is Shelley. She was the most sweet-natured tabby cat who lived to the age of 20. She was a mummy to 4 kitten of which 2 were given away and 2 died as young cats. 

The original colour tones are of an era and I wanted to bring out some of the rich purples that were in the original (taken by my dad). I've added some clarity and contrast to show off Shelley's beautiful markings. 

I thought editing some photos from the 80s and 90s would be a fun edition to the 'Photo a Day' project. Whilst these photos will not be originally my own work, they will be images that are significant to me and taken from my collection of album photographs. It'll be interesting to see what modern technology can do to photos that were taken before this technology existed. Watch this space for more 'Flashback Sunday' images.

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