Friday 31 July 2020

July: a Roundup

July has been a month of the lockdown being further lifted and yet, despite the pubs and shops being busier, life is not what it was.

As I type, lockdowns are being imposed in areas across the country where there have been a rise in outbreaks, though I hear pubs and businesses are to continue being open. The 'second wave' that we always hear about is the scary thought, yet many people seem to live their lives as if it's all a conspiracy theory and there is no real threat. Funny what fear can do to people.

I've chosen a lot of photos from my archives this month and if I'm honest, that's more to do with laziness than anything else. The excitement for taking photos has dwindled a lot and it's become a burden on some days. Nevertheless, these are important times to document and I refuse to give up on the project!

Black and white photos seem to have been the natural way to go with 'rectangles' as the theme. The architecturally themed images have worked better with this contrast and the mood of July has been reflected in the monotones. Maybe August will be brighter.

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