The wand is the flexible plastic kind with lots of teeth that thin out at the top. I prefer these kinds of brushes as I feel they really grip and separate the lashes, styling them in place. The price of this mascara in the UK is £10.99 in Boots, which I consider to be at the higher end of the 'drug store' mascaras in terms of cost.
My eyelashes are already long, but can thin out a bit from time to time; now is one of those times where I feel they aren't at their best, but the formula worked well to add volume and intense black pigment. I couldn't build this up as liberally as I do with Benefit as I found they did begin to show signs of clumping on the third coat. Here's what it did for my lashes:
You can probably see what I mean about the volume and colour, but the more I applied, the more my pesky lashes wanted to make friends and cling together. Personally, I prefer a more 'fanned out' look, but overall this is a decent mascara for the price and I'll be using it over the next few months whilst I save pennies to invest in a higher quality brand.
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