Wednesday, 12 August 2015

New Lush Products, August 2015

Granny Takes a Dip bubble bar

 This bubble bar is a spicy citrus scent with ginger and pepper. The citrus comes through strongly with the ginger almost giving a sweetness amongst the spice. This is a unique fragrance and a fun, colourful bar. £3.65 per bar

Milky Bath bubble bar

This milk bottle shaped bar with a silver glittery bottle top is a quirky bubble bar to see. The scent is meant to be orange and skimmed milk and it has a cocoa butter top for soft skin. The scent for me is a little soapy. I can't imagine it'll be nicer when in the bath, but it isn't the most appealing Lush scent, nor the most disappointing. For the fun concept, it is worth a go. £3.75 per bar

Serendipity soap

A beautiful lavender and chamomile scented soap which is perfect for relaxation. It smells like Dreamwash shower smoothie (the one in the pot which I think is being replaced by a 'roulade', according to the Lush website). I like lavender scents and I think Lush do them well . £3.40 per 100g

Maypole bubble bar

To look at this soap is very pretty because it has been cut like a stick of rock and contains what Lush calls 'soap noodles' which give a pattern in the centre. It is a mint and gardenia extract. Now I sniff it, it actually smells just like a stick of rock- sweet and minty! Very nice. £3.10 per 100g

To my knowledge, Lush is discontinuing (or has discontinued) some products I liked, such as the Dorothy bubble bar and the Space Girl ballistic. This is to make way for these new products. It would be good to give Lush consumers a way to vote for the products they want to keep in future as it seems that a lot of the time the good products are discontinued :( 

What are your favourite Lush products?

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  1. I have been obsessing over lavender scents so Serendipity is seriously calling my name right now!! it sounds so lovely!

  2. It's really lovely, you'll like it!
